Who We Are
Indie Artist GO (Global Operation) is an award-winning online digital service that creates dependable opportunities and efficient economical models for independent artists and labels. The website is created to support the future of creatives and followers of independent music with sustainable and innovative infrastructure, tools, effective promotions, and knowledge.
As an indie artist marketing aggregator service provider, Indie Artist GO serves independent artists, bands, labels and management under a transparent business model, with fair values, and welcoming state-of-the-art technologies and superb approaches to creating, promoting, distributing independent music of all genres.
Why We Do What We Do
We believe and stand up for independent music, artists and labels, as critical for a flourishing and life-changing cultural climate. Genuine game-changing and far-reaching culture always originates from the independents, and not from the top. BUT, with the distribution options so limited, the future for independents artists and the unique culture they bring with them looks bleak.
Indie Artist GO is the revolutionary reaction to the overall music industry being monopolized and run by three (3) large and major corporations. Indie Artist GO is 100% completely independent and is a reliable opposing force to corporations and their Orwellian notion of conformity at every stage of the music creation and distribution process.
Indie Music Artist Spotlight – Free Mace
Indie Music Artist Spotlight – NyceWitIt
Indie Music Artist Spotlight – Pistol for Ringo
Indie Music Artist Spotlight – ZCM Kazi
Indie Music Artist Spotlight – Raww Blue
Indie Music Artist Spotlight – Dezvelkito