Unsigned independent hip hop artist from the Bay Area, California and currently reside in Las Vegas, Nevada. The newest talent to play through your speakers.Artist name: Lani MackinCity: Las Vegas but from the Bay AreaIG: @iammoemoneyFacebook: KD MVPTwitter: iammoemoneyEmail: momogetzbandz@gmail.com

1.) What elements and/or characteristics made you say to yourself that you wanted to do music for a living? Who are your influences/heroes/role models?
2.) If you could compare yourself to an already established artist, who would that be and why? If you don’t like to compare yourself, then music-wise, what separates you from other musicians?
I would say Mozzy because his wordplay and his choice of words shows his intelligence. That’s what I try to do use wordplay that stands out and use bigger words even if I am rapping about the struggle or what other people rap about I’m gonna always stand out because my bars and wordplay is on another level. Other than that I’m in a league of my own. If I didn’t know me, I would fa sholy listen to me and I have great taste in music lol.
3.) Everyone in life goes through adversity of some sort. Is there anything in your life that has any influence on the kind of songs you write? What is the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure on your path to becoming a musician?
Losing loved ones to drugs, the streets and jail and growing up in the Bay Area trenches are the things that influence my music. Growing up in poverty my entire life, watching my mom struggle and my dad struggle not being able to afford nice anything, using candles as light when PG&E gets turned off. Sleeping in my car at times, sleeping on park benches at other times. I could of got a full ride to a D1 college in basketball and track and field but I let my environment get the best of me. But with music it’s different, it’s the only thing I actually have a passion for and I just figured it out its hella crazy. I cried one day when I was up late night and it clicked in my head all the signs were and are still apparent that this is my true path and I’m unleashing the potential within thats been dying to come out, and this is barely the beginning. I found a new love for myself and life in general. Like Mozzy says life is beautiful struggle and it really is!!! The most difficult thing I had to deal with was losing my aunty, cousin and niece back to back to back literally. It changed me but for the better cause I feel like theres nothing that will ever be worse than that feeling so its only up from here. That shit woke me up and gave me this motivation I didn’t know existed in me. I have a fire inside of my soul burning and I’m finally ready to let the world get some of my talents. I wasn’t made to be a worker literally if you believe in astrology, my personalized reading even says that shit everything how my ideal career will be in entertainment anything that has to do with creativity, art and/or music. The craziest shit is I read this after I realized this is what I’m meant to be doing, which confirms it even more for me but mark my words I will be one of the greatest rappers to ever enter the game. Everyday I feel more and more sure of it, it’s the best feeling in the world. I’m fa real enjoying the journey now and not sad about my past anymore. I am who I am, a solid ass mf because of it and I’m hella loyal which is one of the biggest things I stand for, even before I decided to do music seriously I had this feeling that came after my niece passed and I didn’t know how my breakthrough was gonna come but I felt all the years of struggling are almost over. That’s where the song I see the light came from cause that’s real, hard times are almost over!!!!!
4.) How do you prepare yourself to write certain songs? What is your song-writing and recording process?
I just basically find a good beat. I am hella picky with my beats too but once I get one I like it’s easy I just start writing I get in this mood where I write song after song when I write I write for hours and it’s so easy to me it’s natural. Whatever mood I’m in or whatever I’m feeling is basically how the song comes out. All of my songs have a reference to my cousin Moe Money because she is always on my mind. I started writing after the deaths in 2018 so the songs I have so far are about the struggle and pain and stuff like that but recently I found a new light a new love for life and myself so my new shit coming up is more uplifting and more of a positive type of vibe. I’m still in the struggle so of course there’s gonna be a little of that but I don’t lie and rap about shit I never lived or did. The struggle made me so even when I’m wealthy I probably will always reference it. I write about my life. I can write on spot tho I don’t even need a beat just have to be in the right mood and my thoughts go crazy so I end up writing songs in a day.
5.) Unfortunately the music industry is full of talented individuals who just don’t get any recognition for their talent and/or work. What do you plan to do to make sure you stand out and get noticed?
Honestly I plan on just following my true path, I know this life was made for and the spotlight is mine to claim. I will follow my gut and instincts in making the right decisions for my career and life. Get involved with the right people and stay grateful for everything I do have and not dwell on anything that I don’t have. And everything will manifest itself. I will change my reality for the better with my thoughts and actions. Whatever you want in life is yours it’s just a matter of fully believing and action. Trust yourself and know that the life you want you can have even if you’re unsure of how to get there once you get fully in tune with your true self you’ll find happiness and when it’s all said and done that’s all that matters. I know that stardom and wealth is in my life path I don’t know if this fully answers the question but thats my plan, don’t give up, go hard, promote, release lots of bangers, make music videos, believe my time is here and manifest everything I know I’m meant for. Keep my faith, never doubt it!
6.) Would you rather be on a major label or would you rather stay independent? Why or why not? In regards to the music industry itself, do you think that the traditional music industry model as we know it is dead?
As of right now I want to get signed to a major label because the money I can get from signing a major deal is what my family needs and at the end of the day my family and I financial situation could be a lot better like we want to go places, travel and shit but money is what holds us back most of the time. I swear I cant wait to see the smiles on their faces when it’s like ay pack your bags we going to Bora Bora. Don’t get me wrong if I could make that money right now independent I would stay independent but the truth of the matter is I recorded my first song on October 11th, 2019 which is crazy cause thats Moe Money’s bday and it wasn’t planned like that it just happened and fell into place like that which is assurance this is the path I should take because without her I wouldn’t be doing this at all, but anyways i haven’t even released a song on any profitable platforms yet, haven’t gotten a cent from rap yet but it already changed my life and happiness for the better. I don’t really have a fan base yet but I know all it takes is my music to hit the right ears for the world to hear me and the money to come in. If those ears happen to be from a major label offering a deal then aye where’s my pen I’m signing with my eyes closed lol. I just want to live how I want. I can make any type of music and the bars will still be fire. People don’t wanna sign to labels because of different reasons like restrictions, ownership and copyrights. At the end of the day as long as I’m getting paid and able to go where I want and buy what I want idgaf ill still change the world and be wealthy because for example if I gotta be in a pop song or they say to rap about something or don’t rap about something that’s fine, my song and bars will still be fire. I’m versatile in all degrees and I’m learning how to step out of my comfort zone and excel at it. I just want my family to be in position and I want to create a wealthy family tree. Cause where I’m at and where I been at just to have money and not have to do crime and worry about the police and going to jail would be a blessing. I know I’m on path to great things finally. Im versatile I can do it all. I want it now not later so if someone wants to sign me for the right price I’m signing if one of my songs goes crazy soon and mfs know who I am and I get checks being independent I’ll stay independent. Whichever comes first. I’m going to make the best music regardless.
7.) How do you think the internet and social media affected the music industry and how musicians are able to market themselves?
I’m new to everything about being in the music game. So I don’t know much but I do know promoting your music and the right promotion is the only way to get discovered and build a fan base and make money. Even if you are the greatest musician to ever leave without promotion you won’t get discovered. I’m finally realizing and learning that.
8.) Social media is obviously an extremely important element in today’s world, especially when it comes to business, branding, marketing, etc. With that being said, do you think an artist will be able to survive in today’s music industry if they’re not social media savvy?
No they won’t, but if you have the right promotion on other platforms and the right people promoting you and advertising your social media you can get followers and peoples attention. For example if Drake or Chris Brown tagged someone with 500 followers and said follow this person, that person would instantly get a cool amount of followers. It’s all about who you know not so much what you know nowadays.
9.) Artists who try to make music for the general public and make more money are usually seen as “sell-outs.” Do you see it that way and if so, what do you plan to do to make sure your music stays true to your brand and make a good living at the same time without having to “sell out”?
No I don’t think they’re sell-outs. I think they are doing what they love to do, either making money, being famous, and making popular music. You gotta step outta your comfort zone to get where you are meant to be. All I have to do to stay true to my brand is do me, like I said I’m versatile I can do any type of style or music. In reality as long as I’m happy and making money I’m good. My bars will always be gas no matter what. I been through so much in my 28 years of life I can literally rap about anything and it be true for me. I doubt I’ll have that problem. I’m very confident and sure about every decision I make from here on out.
10.) Professionally, where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
5 years from now I see myself touring with the hottest mfs in the industry. I see my family and I wealthy and traveling. I see myself with a solid female and some kids. Living exactly how I see it in my head. Huge house with lots of dogs, nice cars, the finest things life has to offer, materialistic and spiritual. Completely aligned with the universe. Successful career and the Number one female rap artist in the industry. Happy and fulfilled. Probably living with my cousins on g.o.d. lol