High Rollers: an explosive tribute to old school heavy metal

If you feel nostalgic about the good old days of heavy metal, Italian rock band Bad Bones has the solution for you. Their latest album praised both by critics and hard rock fans all over the world is an explosive set of ten heavy metal songs.

There are two reasons why High Rollers deserves our attention. First of all, it is getting increasingly harder for Italian artists to emerge internationally, in particular when it comes to heavy metal, a genre not so popular today in the European Country. On top of that, all rock sub-genres are going through a hard time mostly anywhere, now that, for the general public, digital beats seem to be more interesting than distorted guitars. Bad Bones overcame these two major difficulties with a gritty album and a blazing
sound, recalling some great artists of the past. Among the others: Van Halen, Twisted Sister, Scorpions, Iron Maiden.

Who is behind Bad Bones?

Four dedicated members who constantly work in synergy to deliver an incredible hard
rock groove and an explosive sound: Max “Bone” Malmerenda (vocals), Sergio
Aschieris (guitar), Steve Balocco (bass), and Lele Balocco (drums), a passionate
team of “old school” rockers.

While listening to High Rollers, you have no choice: you’ll find yourself moving to
the beat, enraptured by the mesmerizing guitar solos and riffs, the pounding bass
and drums, the strong vocals (Max Bone’s technique is close to perfection, both
during the rough rock screams and the distinctive falsettos).

The opening track, the single American Days, is simply a great rock anthem. A
mesmerizing guitar introduces a pounding pace, held up by a sapient bass line and
some crushing drums: a recipe that will make you move. The powerful harmonies and
an incredible guitar solo will keep your ear glued to the song. Some great
attention is put into the lyrics too. Who doesn’t agree with the words “Gotta lose
yourself to find a way”?

Lost Again is another proof of Aschieris’ incredible skills, while the harmonized
chorus, recalling a perfect 80’s sound, would make it a great stadium anthem. A classic heavy metal groove, enriched by flawless vocals telling a tale of rock, love, and rebellion: here’s Wild Rose, while a sharp drum beat opens the following track, Midnight Rider, followed by more hypnotic guitar by Sergio Aschieris. “No compromise,” Max Bone sings between perfectly crafted falsettos, embodying an
authentic rock’n’roll spirit.


Solitary Fields

Website: www.badbones.it
ReverbNation: https://www.reverbnation.com/badbones
Twitter: @BandbonesO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badbonesband/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/0jbjFjuogBSpElk4pzJhR2?si=WmgdtHjBQF-6HL7FvbRlXA
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/album/id1437994993
Video “American Days”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJICs7WXV8w&feature=youtu.be
Video “Midnight Rider” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unn34NfWBp8

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