My name is Kendale Malik I’m a 17 yr old singer/songwriter from New Orleans, LA. Growing up around music gave me an appreciation for singing, writing and all levels of art. I come from a family of visual artist and musicians so I knew it was only right for me to choose this path and follow my heart.

Kendale Malik
All social media platforms
@kendalemalik (Artist Info)
(470) 475-5756

1.) What elements and/or characteristics made you say to yourself that you wanted to do music for a living? Who are your influences/heroes/role models?

As a child I didn’t feel like I could sing until my mother heard me and she said “ooh you sound very good.” I was only 3 singing Destiny’s Child on Sesame Street. I didn’t think I was good at singing but something in my gut felt right to do it more. My heroes are Erykah Badu, Whitney Houston, Prince, Michael Jackson, and the list goes on…seriously it goes on. I would say my inspiration right now is God, because there are things I see and visualize when writing and I know those clear visions can only come from God. Writing for me is therapeutic, I feel like I’m able to better communicate my emotions through song rather than speaking sometimes.

2.) If you could compare yourself to an already established artist, who would that be and why? If you don’t like to compare yourself, then music-wise, what separates you from other musicians?

I don’t think it’s fair or accurate to compare yourself to an already established artist because everyone has a different journey. As for my music I get excited to create new sounds and would like to allow the music lovers to decide what mood the music puts them into and what places it takes them in life. I think what separates me most is my ability to see the lyrics and write a story through song. That’s my true gift.

3.) Everyone in life goes through adversity of some sort. Is there anything in your life that has any influence on the kind of songs you write? What is the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure on your path to becoming a musician?

Yes, adversity builds character and I feel like if I can make it through the destruction of Hurricane Katrina then I can persevere through anything. Most of my songwriting comes from personal experience, some with family, different friendships, love and mostly find out who I am as a person. A lot of people tell me that “I’m mature for my age.” I don’t really understand what that means. I’m not sure if they mean I’m living too fast or not but I believe your experience dictates your foresight. The most difficult thing for me right now is completing high school and trying to complete my EP at the same time. School and keeping my grades up are very important but I have a strong desire to finish my music and get it out to the public. I’m excited for people to receive a full body of work from me, writing all by myself.

4.) How do you prepare yourself to write certain songs? What is your song-writing and recording process?

Songs, thoughts and ideas just come to me. I don’t have a preparation process as it comes to me I write it down. I just let the song come together through my thoughts and visions and put it together like scenes from a movie….LOL

5.) Unfortunately the music industry is full of talented individuals who just don’t get any recognition for their talent and/or hard work. What do you plan to do to make sure you stand out and get noticed? Would you rather be on a major label or would you rather stay independent? Why or why not? In regards to the music industry itself, do you think that the traditional music industry model as we know it is dead?

I think if you continue to carve out your own space in the industry you’ll have a successful career. As we know everyone’s outlook on success is different. I mean I would love to work with major labels like Sony, Interscope, Columbia and Universal, but if I can create a lane for myself being independent, so be it.

6.) Are you able to make a living with your music? If so, how were you able to attain a career doing what you love? If not, what do you do in order to fund your music career? What advice would give to someone who’s interested in pursuing a career in music?

I believe one day I will make a living with my music. However, right now I’m just getting started and right now it’s all for the love of making music. I can feel that I’m getting close and it can be scary at times when I think about the possibilities but it’s nothing I can’t handle. More money, more problems, and I’ll take those problems…lol

7.) How do you think the internet and social media affected the music industry and how musicians are able to market themselves? Social media is obviously an extremely important element in today’s world, especially when it comes to business, branding, marketing, etc. With that being said, do you think an artist will be able to survive in today’s music industry if they’re not social media savvy?

I hate social media in some regards, the bullying and tearing down of people when they are vulnerable. It really breaks my heart to see negative things take over and ruin some artists. But at the same time social media can be very powerful and help launch an independent artist into music stardom. I just believe either way as an artist you have to be careful about what to share about yourself and how much is too much..

8.) Artists who try to make music for the general public and make more money are usually seen as “sell-outs.” Do you see it that way and if so, what do you plan to do to make sure your music stays true to your brand and make a good living at the same time without having to “sell out”?

“Sell-Out”! No I don’t believe they are being a sell-out. If you create music and it allows you to cross over into different genres then you should embrace all audiences of fans. I like nice things and it would be great to make a true living off my music, and no I would not feel bad about it at all.

9.) What are the positives and negatives of the music industry? What is it about the music industry that makes some artists push forward? What do you think makes some artists quit?

From all the stories I’ve heard and read I think people push through and make it if they have a good support system. Others fall short and quit because no one can do it alone, it takes a good support system of people around you to help keep you focused and moving forward.

10.) What trends do you see staying or going?

The trends I feel are most important and consistent seem to be Snapchat and TikTok video apps. As a new artist I understand it’s important to stay relevant so I try to stay on all platforms, but honestly trying to get through school and recording it’s a little difficult to stay on each consistently.

11.) With so many people online who are expressing their opinions on any and everything under the sun, how do you know when to take something as constructive criticism or when to see it as trolling?

Great question! It breaks my heart to hear some of the stories where people are bullied and criticize for their craft online. It was very hard for me when I first started singing but after I recorded “Alone” my first single and received both positive and negative reviews, it was up to me and my team to push forward and learn from the things that made sense while forgetting the negative hateful comments. Once we worked through the kinks we came up with a great initial body of work and are excited because the recognition we’re receiving now has been great. To any artist just getting started, never give up…!

12.) If you were to advise an up and coming musician on how to get more fans, what advice would you give them?

Honestly, I’m trying still to figure it out myself…lol. But seriously, I think there is no cookie-cutter process for gaining fans. My only advice would be to stay engaged with the ones who show you the most love…

13.) Professionally, where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

I see myself still writing and performing music because it’s apart of who I am. I don’t believe I’m trying to become an artist, I already know I create art, vibes and moods so I am an artist through my music.

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