1.) The first track “Book Of Life” is a great opening track. It has a good quality reggae and rock sound with a strong hint of blues/jazz in the mix. The sax from the last couple minutes of the track gives the listener enough room to just relax and feel the vibes of the song.

2.) “Fyah Burn” is the next track and this is a track with a very bluesy sound to it. The motivational speech midway through the track was a nice touch. After that, the singing stops and the beat plays, with some strong guitar and drum play.

3.) “Mama Said” sounds like a sincerely written love letter of some sort with a very reminiscent energy to it. A nice and slow song that would be nice to hear live.

4.) “Message of a Hidden Hand” is a great interlude. A Louis Farrakhan speech plays throughout and the content could be seen as “controversial” yet strong and motivational at the same time.

5.) “Whole World Is Watching” is a song that touches on society. This track is definitely more of an interlude than an actual song.

6.) “Message of Self” has strong and concise content about our experience as human beings. To be exact, we are “infinite awareness living a human experience.” The race construct and it’s manipulatory nature is briefly discussed.

7.) “Teach Them” is the song for the disciplinarian type. Authoritative in content yet rich and smooth in sound.

8.) “Conscious Decision” starts off with Yeshua asking “why can’t we make a conscious decision.” He touches on this illusionary world that we live in, which makes his question more relevant than ever. Another thought-provoking track to vibe out to.

9.) “Messenger” closes out the album. This track sounds very revolutionary. “Zion gave us praise fo another day” is chanted throughout as well as played very well rhythmically with guitar.

Overall this album was not only a good album with great infusion of reggae, rock, blues, jazz and soul, but it has some very thought-provoking content as well. Definitely an album that you can listen to from front to back without needing to skip any tracks. To listen to Book Of Life, click here.

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