Tameez Abramjee is a creative entrepreneur who is not only very imaginative and ambitious but a young visionary fueled with a ton of enthusiasm and passion. As a forward thinking entrepreneur, his approach to solving problems is always to think outside of the box.  Blockchain and Cryptocurrency is one of Tameez’s main passions. His hunger and drive to use these technologies effectively is what will create a better decentralized world. Tameez’s ultimate goal is to leverage his expertise in a way to create unity amongst all human beings across the world.



1.) What elements and/or characteristics made you say to yourself that you wanted to be an entrepreneur for a living? Who are your influences/heroes/role models?

I’ve never seen the term entrepreneur as a career. To me it was more something you do to become a businessman. For me it was more about being in the corporate sector. From a very young age I’ve always envisioned myself having an office on the top floor over a 45 story building. In this vision, I’m in every single office on every single floor in one of many divisions of my company. This company would be the holdings of various others, all specializing in entirely different sectors with a diversification of services and products to offer.


2.) If you could compare yourself to someone who is already established, who would that be and why? If you don’t like to compare yourself, what separates you from other businessmen in your field?

Well I think there’s many people I can compare myself to, however not a single one. I would consider myself to have the traits and characteristics of many people put together into one person. So to answer your question, I think I am basically Richard Branson, Will Smith, Muhammed Ali, Jordan Belfort, Steve Jobs, John McAfee, John Edgar Hoover, Barack Obama And Frank William Abignale all put into a blender and poured out.


3.) Everyone in life goes through adversity of some sort. What is the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure on your path to becoming a business owner?

I would say there are many difficulties when you’re an entrepreneur or becoming an entrepreneur. The first set of difficulties you face on your journey to success, is the criticism and negativity you are faced with on a day-to-day basis. There are always people who will try to talk you out of doing something or tell you that you are incapable. 90% of the time you’d agree just to have a change in conversation knowing that you are going to do what you know you are going to do either way. When you’re really on to something big and people are always trying to talk you out of it, you notice yourself becoming more distant and self-kept.


The second set of difficulties you only face once you are successful. This difficulty is maintaining that success considering the more successful you are the faster your growth rate. I can tell you from personal experience to always prepare for becoming 10 times more successful then you’re trying to be. Unprepared success can lead to failure beyond expectation, even though I believe that failure is a key that you have to go through many a times until you reach success. Trust me, it’s better to fail and fail at that point where you don’t eat yet have more to lose than you have.


4.) How did you prepare yourself mentally for the process of starting a business?

If your vision is clear enough. I enjoy watching videos and listening to successful entrepreneurs who are where I want to be. This always gives me extra insight and motivation.


5.) Unfortunately you’re in an industry is full of talented individuals who just don’t get any recognition for their talent and/or work. What do you plan to do to make sure you stand out and get noticed?

If you plan on trying to stand out and get noticed, this will not happen because your focus is not on actual achievement but on getting recognition for an accomplishment that you don’t have yet. Talent is one thing, we have it naturally, all of us have different talents. However, talent is useless without skill. Skill is developed through hours and hours of beating on your craft, which is your talent. Once you place your focus where it should be, they’ll notice you without trying.


6.) How do you think the internet and social media affected the tech industry and how up and coming entreprenuers are able to market themselves?

Tremendously. It has opened many doors whilst creating a more competitive edge. We can use this to our advantage or demise. The key is to be unique, be different and innovate something that makes people’s lives better. Be it a product or service. You must create a business that gives value to the consumer.


7.) Social media is obviously an extremely important element in today’s world, especially when it comes to business, branding, marketing, etc. With that being said, do you think an artist will be able to survive in today’s tech industry if they’re not social media savvy?

Yes and no, like my previous answer explains. An artist is in the field of relating to their fans, being a source of comfort, motivation and creating content that people can relate to. Therefore creating that personal touch with fans is important. Artist’s are brands and thus need to use these platforms for engagement but in a personal, not business styled approach.


8.) Professionally, where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Well I see myself doing what I do now. Innovating, working and trying to make the world a better place. Hopefully by then I’ll have accomplished many goals which will add more resources to my job making what I do have a larger impact with simpler steps.


Follow Tameez Abramjee on Twitter @Tameez_Abramjee

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