With simple Facebook likes, Twitter and Instagram follower acquisition, there is never a guarantee. We make no promises to people that the people who like and follow their pages will interact with them and/or give them business. Our job is to simply give you bigger numbers. Maintaining likes and follows and ensuring sales is something we can do but this would require a bigger budget to hire us around the clock to make this happen. What separates us from the competition is we acquire REAL people while other businesses are using software to create bots. A lot of these bots are faceless and in most cases are spam. With us, real people will like/follow your social media accounts which means they will act on their own accord and can decide to unlike/unfollow at any given time. When it comes to our social media follower acquisition service, we can’t make people give you more business however if you want more engagement, social media marketing and management services is what you’d need. Social media marketing and social media management are broad terms that encompasses engagement, campaigns, blog/article marketing, social bookmarking, social analytics, maintenance, and some forms of traditional advertising. We do offer all of the following to businesses who have the budget required to yield the results that they want. Contact us and give us as much in-depth information as possible to see what your needs are and we will get back to you with a quote and an outline/strategy of how we can help you attain the results you desire.