Are you clueless on where to start promoting yourself? There are tons of ways that can effectively market yourself and your art. Consider these marketing tricks that will commendably promote yourself as an artist.

1. Expand your connections

One way to improve your reach to a better number of people is by having the right connections. It is not easy to expand your network, especially for beginners. The first thing you may want to promote in having the right connections is by keeping things personal. Being a people person can be challenging especially to introverts. Reach out to your network on a personal level and keep them in the loop on what’s going on with your art. They will appreciate being in touch and will enjoy being updated. Over time, they might even recommend other customers and advertisers who can promote your art better.


2. Know your target audience

Having a target audience is essential in promoting your art. The customer base is a good ground for your art to grow. Knowing who will appreciate your work best improves your communication with more people, and will improve your art over time. This strategy also builds up your marketing analysis. You can now dedicate most of your time in pouring your heart out in projects that your target audience will appreciate. Although it can be tedious and you might not find your target audience easily, this helps you out in crafting art that transcends a message that will hit and appeal to them.


3. Start local

Starting in your own soil is one of the easiest things that can help you grow as an artist. This encourages you to build your own name in your locality. Starting small and local raises awareness in your own area that your art exists. It engraves in your place that your art started there, and will then get more leads in the near future. It also shows that you value and attract local customers. As your art grows, you can keep loyal and local customers who have been with you for a long time. But as a work-in-progress, start building your art locally, and by word of mouth and other effective marketing strategies, you can expand your reach.


4. Build slowly but consistently

One of the best marketing strategies in keeping art and business growing is to not rush its growth. Build your name slowly but be consistent in doing so. Entrepreneurs can be full of thrill especially when people start to notice their art. But it is wise to remember that steady growth builds a strong foundation. A slow and steady pace may be a difficult path, but it will be a great long-term strategy for you as an artist.


5. Stay current

A marketing trend that has been proven effective is to stay current and relevant. Your art should express thoughts you want to convey. Staying relevant to the current events, whether locally or internationally, can have a better reach. This technique will improve algorithms in the timelines of your various social media accounts. Taking a stand in relevant current events will improve your brand. It also shows that your art is aware of what is currently happening to the world.


6. Get into social media

The fastest way to extend and get the word out of your art is by exposing it on social media. There are a lot of social media platforms for free. The benefits of having the right platform for your art is endless. First, social media strikes conversation with your audience. Having a talk around your brand is a step in marketing your art. Social media is also a great outlet for you to express your thoughts. On the receiving end, you could improve your social listening skills by reading comments and criticisms of your work. This skill then improves your work by gathering data that are relevant to your work. Current platforms also let your audience know that you have exemplary customer service. Do not hesitate to jump into social media. It is never too late to start an account, especially in this age of technology.


7. Show your personality

Putting your personality in your art is one of the marketing strategies that will get your audience a tailored message. Personality-based marketing has been around for some time. Putting passion and personality in your work lets you connect to other people deeply. Although not everyone will have the same interpretation of your work, it stands out because it puts originality, personality and art in your own medium.


8. Find your tribe

Making your business and your art thrive can be tough, but having your own people can alleviate this struggle. Finding your tribe is an important marketing technique because it motivates you to the right direction. As social animals, humans are naturally communicative. Having people who have the same passion as you do will help you grow, encourage you to strive more, and to be more competent in your work. Finding your own tribe is often overlooked, when this is the backbone of your art.


9. Join forums and webinars

The age of technology is a blessing to those who know how to use them. Joining forums gets you a better grasp of the ideas around you. It also lets you explore your audience on what they like and on what they find ordinary. Hosting webinars gets you a step in your corporate exposure. This strategy also gets you a better reach with every session. If you cannot host a webinar in the fear that no one is interested or it is a waste of time, consider joining one and assess its impact on you.


10. Compliment other artists

The journey of one artist is not the same for everyone. Along the way, take time to appreciate the art of other people. Compliment their technique and get to know them more. It will surprise you how much you can learn just by letting words of positivity and encouragement reach other artists. It lets them know that their art has reached you. This strategy could also get you more connections and more partners, especially if you discover some artists with the same taste and passion as you do.


Which among these tips would you follow to market and promote yourself as an artist?  Tell us in the comments. Finally, spread the word and share these tips to fellow artists today!




About the Author

Charles is the author, and managing editor of, where he helps aspiring musicians become real musicians by giving expert insights and reviews on the best music instruments. He’s fascinated by the music of Stevie Wonder, George Harrison, and Bob Dylan. When not working, you’ll often find him perfecting his John Mayer licks.


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